So, this is what they mean by April showers .. O.k , we get the picture now you can stop . I have spent the last three days toying around with a cold . I say 'toying' because all it seems to be doing is playing with me . One day it wants to make my nose run , the next it's the shivers and today it's the sneezes. I have had enough now and it's making me just plain grumpy!
Even my poor husband has been at the mercy of my head cold ( you see,now I'm even giving it a name). Last night we were having an innocent conversation about who should do the washing up when suddenly, out of nowhere came this urge to knock over the gravy boat.
Even when I have been teaching I have witnessed similar goings on with the children . This weather really doesn't do much for the feel good factor. The children too have been a little 'not with it ' either. I feel your pain kids.
The truth is that as parents, we are inundated with all of these new, tried and tested, state of the art devices or proven tests dictating what our child supposedly needs. What can start out as a small thought i.e perhaps he/she is unwell ?,can easily turn into a full blown 'mother knows best' diagnosis of a full on illness. We seem to forget those moments in our own lives, when nothing seems to work out. Everything you do that day is just too much to manage and you just want to go back to bed but you cannot. Well can you imagine experiencing that and being 2?
I mean maybe it's the weather, maybe they got out of bed on the wrong side in the morning or maybe today they just don't want to play ? But sometimes , and just sometimes there is absolutely nothing to worry about. You will just be wasting the doctors time if you go for a checkup with your little person. Leave the Calpol alone and stop checking their temperature already . The next time you find yourself feeling a little flat and under the weather, just remember how your little one may feel at times.
Because let's be honest, kids have off days too!